Whiteboard’s unique service offering provides a selection of innovative psychological tools for the development of self-insight.





Whiteboard is a dynamic and purposeful start-up company seeking to solve systemic problems for health practitioners through technology and collaboration.

Our distribution network of evidence-based solutions aims to empower health practitioners and make well-being solutions accessible to the consumer and corporate sectors.

Together with our community, we are trying to figure out how to live the best lives possible both individually and collectively as well as how to navigate the modern world.

Given all the challenges that prevent us from prospering, our common goal is to live the best possible lives by focusing on and conveying what we know about human flourishing, that has been discovered through science and technology.





Moby Digital specializes in creative direction, art direction, graphic design, web design, illustration and animation. We offer a full range of services guiding clients from A-Z. From logo identity and branding, to design and stationary, through websites and social marketing.




We enable our clients & partners to compete effectively by leveraging technology in an ever changing market space. Specializing in full stack development we cover all bases.


If you have any questions please log in and contact us below, alternatively email us directly at admin@whiteboardassessments.com or contact the site administrators directly.


We are looking to expand our network to meet the growing demand for access to qualified professionals. Becoming a Whiteboard Practitioner means you will be listed on the Whiteboard platform and receive various partnership benefits.


What does it mean to contribute to Whiteboard?

Our aim is to make quality psychological services accessible, understandable, and automated for the consumer and corporate sectors. In line with this, we seek to solve systemic problems for health practitioners through technology and collaboration.

Our guiding principle is conveying what we know about human flourishing, that has been discovered through science and technology. Given this mission, any contributions to our Patreon go directly toward this aim. If you share these values and wish to contribute, please see our Patreon.

What are the tools and what can tools be?

Whiteboard tools can be any process-oriented solution that enhances well-being. Whether this is accomplished by promoting the service offering of our practitioners or by promoting the personal development of individuals, we aspire to create solutions that address contemporary challenges to psychological well-being.

Who are Whiteboard practitioners and how do I become one?

Whiteboard practitioners are active professionals whose work pertains to psychological well-being, who have satisfactory experience in their area of expertise, and who have opted to partner with Whiteboard. To do. this, you must apply by contacting us and filling out the associate application form.

We strive towards a high standard of practice. As a result, Whiteboard has a specific set of criteria that applicants need to comply with in order to be approved, the most significant of which is to be licensed by the relevant regulatory body pertaining to your area of expertise in the country where you practice. Of course, terms and conditions apply.